本次大會感謝各贊助商慷慨地贊助 LaravelConf Taiwan 2018,您的支持對台灣 Laravel 的社群發展將有莫大的助益,也是大會能舉辦的基石。大會將會抱持著兢兢業業的態度把所有細節盡善盡美,以求完美舉辦。未來將繼續深耕經營,努力不懈。
GANDI.net was one of the first domain name registrars approved by ICANN for .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME, .BE, .FR, .EU domains in France. We now offer over 700 top-level domains, and we continue to add more on a regular basis. At Gandi, we consider ourselves an ethical domain name registrar in an industry that has some 'grey' practices. We value our customers' rights and privacy above all else, and defend these wherever and whenever possible.
KKday is the leading e-commerce travel platform that connects travelers with authentic local tours & activities. KKday is the leading e-commerce travel platform that connects travelers with authentic local tours & activities. We are a group of travel lovers who look for the most authentic local experiences. We know how difficult it is to create an unforgettable journey so we created this platform to make it easier for you to find the activity that best fits your upcoming trip.
「104人力銀行」成立於 1996 年,過去 20 年穩居台灣資料最豐富的人力資源服務網站,媒合了數以百萬計的求職者及求才職缺資訊,「104人力銀行」擁有台灣過去 20 年的職場大數據,擁有 800 萬份履歷表及千萬份的職缺資訊,以 C.M.O.S. 四大核心概念(cloud 雲端、mobile 行動、open 開放、social 社群)提供多元職涯服務及人才管理解決方案。為了提供更好的優質的媒合平台,新一代的「104人力銀行」將會以 “Data-Driven” 及 PHP 及 Laravel 為開發框架,將投入大量資源於 自然語言技術、機器學習、社群網路、雲端運算等技術,並號召對台灣求職市場熱血之士,一起改造下一代的「104人力銀行」。
adGeek 是以數據為中心的數位行銷專家,與 Google、Facebook、Yahoo! 等主流數位媒體合作,運用世界級的DSP平台,包括 DoubleClick Bid Manager、Amobee、The Trade Desk,結合龐大的數據資料,精準無誤地找到目標族群,每一次與消費者的接觸 (Reach) 都是精準的接觸 (Precise Reach),運用與矽谷同等級的數據分析技術,得到最準確精細的消費者洞察,並結合最專業的廣告優化團隊,時時刻刻掌握客戶的廣告成效,將廣告成績轉換成實際的業績。adGeek 擁有專業的技術團隊,為客戶提供全方位的技術支援,包含全網追蹤技術、資料串接技術、廣告開發技術、數據分析技術...等等,以技術做為品牌行銷的最佳後盾。消費者在網路上的每一個行為、每一個動作,都是珍貴的數據資產,adGeek 收集每個不同面向的資料,讓客戶能夠透過數據活化掌握市場脈動、預見產業先機。
Amazon Web Services offers a broad set of global cloud-based products including compute, storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, developer tools, management tools, IoT, security and enterprise applications. These services help organizations move faster, lower IT costs, and scale. AWS is trusted by the largest enterprises and the hottest start-ups to power a wide variety of workloads including: web and mobile applications, game development, data processing and warehousing, storage, archive, and many others.
Based in Taipei, Taiwan. We are a full service ecommerce company. Wabow Information Incorporation began life in 2006. Our early focus was on providing specialized websites for internationally famous brands. Over recent years, Wabow has enjoyed a growing reputation as a provider of high quality ecommerce service to a wide range of industries. We expected to make this world better with our strong skills base. We have extended more related business services including WACA (E-commerce solution for small businesses)、Flydove (EDM email marketing service)、FunTo (CDN image processing service). We are dedicated to providing you with the best service in the world.
公司成立於 105 年,從最早的接案公司一路走到現在,已是一間擁有指標客戶的數位整合與開發自有產品的科技公司。我們崇尚海賊王的管理哲學,大家都是「夥伴」,而不是「機器」。彼此之間有自己要完成的夢想,同時也會為了夥伴的夢想而一同努力。道理很簡單,誰都有夢想,願意為夢想發光發熱的人才最為耀眼。哲煜的服務項目包括:網站的企劃與製作、電商平台開發、APP 開發、應用程式開發、ERP 系統開發、SEO 優化、數位整合行銷。
RunCloud is the control panel for cloud servers. Dedicated servers, Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS, Vultr, Amazon Lightsail, and other KVM based VPSs are supported by RunCloud. RunCloud support GIT deployment webhook and is the easiest control panel to manage Laravel, CakePHP, Symphony or WordPress. RunCloud offers the best, secured and optimized settings for your PHP cloud server setup.
Fontech 為每個客戶提供跨平台網路應用程式的解決方案,整合時下介面及互動的趨勢,讓我們的網頁及 App 製作服務達到最高品質。擁有不同領域的專業人才,從設計師、iOS 工程師、Android 工程師到 Web 工程師。網路科技產業日新又新,在每次的實踐中,隨著時間有所不同,這些改變,都是公司研發的能量,因為在軟體業中,沒有永遠的最佳範例,也沒有永恆的經典,只有此時此刻,和客戶的協調和最終理念的實踐,才是最美好的。我們樂於在每次的案例中進步與突破,也樂見更多人一同投注在軟體業,推廣到不同國家,讓台灣的軟實力發揚光大。
KlickKlack Communications 提供專業的有線與無線網路服務,使人與人間的通訊落差降到最低。團隊已服務上百場活動,包含台灣地區最大的線上遊戲、網路直播、資訊社群、產品發表會、演唱會、會場展覽與電音派對等。整合網路監控、系統交叉備援、即時廣告互動,量身為客戶打造優質的網路服務體驗。
「飛比價格」是台灣購物、比價第一站,收納最多購物及拍賣網站商品資訊,以比價做為出發點,統合數百家電商與上億筆商品,透過網站、瀏覽器擴充工具、手機 APP,隨時隨地都能比,讓您花最少,買最好!「飛比價格」也持續精進搜尋技術,不斷優化使用者經驗,提供更有價值的消費資訊,便利每個人購買到最想要的商品。我們期望成為消費者與電商之間的橋梁,更成為您的「專屬網購管家」!
Surasia, a company always on the front line of Internet business development. Based in Asia boasting global business perspectives and technology development capabilities, we collect, analyze, and grasp a variety of industries' bottlenecks and opportunities. Surasia constantly discover startups having similar philosophy. We then willingly execute early-state investment, provide business resources as well as legal/financial expertise, and fuse hackers' spirit together with optimized even high-performance cloud computing. Confronting the ever-shifting and seemingly chaotic worldwide tidal waves, we spot the future. Accurately.
UniSharp (悠夏爾科技) 為開放、熱情的網站製作團隊,我們於三年前開始開源 Laravel、Lumen packages,很開心得到國內外朋友們的幫助。邀請您與我們一起在開源之道上繼續前進。
微軟於新任 CEO Satya Nadella 上任後,積極擁抱開放與開源文化,致力於幫助這個地球上的每個人、每個組織,都能貢獻更多、成就更大。在此願景下,Microsoft Azure 雲端平台不斷推出新的服務,像是 Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, IoT Suite 等,我們期待能夠協助開發者藉由微軟提供的平台與技術,開發出更多元創新的應用。
乘著科技的浪潮,數位因子站在技術的頂端,衝向美麗的海岸,我們對新技術的追求,從沒停歇。在我們這裡你可以知道最新技術的更迭,你不只聽到我們談論新技術,也會看到我們的實踐,將之應用在客戶的價值上,並尋求更好得解答。我們用BDD讓成果與需求相同,敏捷以面對瞬息萬變。用更好的雲端架構,做出高延展與擴充性的系統。 備援規劃,讓系統無後顧之憂。 努力增加測試涵蓋率,提昇系統品質與容易維護。如果你有新創的好想法,但缺乏優良的技術團隊,我們在這裡。如果你目前的系統遇到瓶頸,我們可以協助你突破。在戰場上我們提供你強大的彈藥補給。
iThome is one of the most widely read and trusted technology media in Taiwan. Since 1997, iThome now has several print and digital medias such as "iThome Weekly Magazine", and web sites including iThome Online, iThelp Forum (IT QA Website). Most of our readers are CIO, CEO, IT/MIS and App/Software programmers. 30% of readers are managers. We also organized several conferences, such as Modern Web Conference, Container Summit , Big Data Conference, DevOps Conference, InfoSec Conference, Cloud Expo, and DataCenter Expo, etc.
前沿趨勢、科技生活,TechOrange 渴求創新無極限。追蹤全球正在被網路吃掉、重塑的各類產業,認識因網路與技術而生的 Startup,所有你該知道的,想要知道的都在這裡。
Yourator 新創職涯平台是專注在新創與網路產業領域的求職平台。成立三年以來已經服務數百家新創與網路公司進行徵才,並幫助數萬名數位產業人才探索新創工作機會。Yourator 也與企業客戶、新創育成機構緊密合作,致力推廣『重視企業文化與人才育成』的社會風氣。希望藉此改善台灣的求職與工作環境。
A developer-driven weekly newsletter that curates awesome contents with arbitrary commentaries.
Online readbook fb group is combinated by many fb groups. We have about 20-30 different field group and all group are private, so members are really interest like their choose group. Online readbook group every month have an course excel, it will have over 20,000 up people will look this.
Opening Source Org is a non-profit, open source community aiming at enchancing productivity and taking pleasure in technology by open source cooperation. Opening Source Org publishs "Open Source Weekly" on globally popular open source projects, "Open Source Daily" on daily programming study, "Code Girl", "Code Boy" . sosconf is also hosted by Opening Source Org.
Email 行銷在國外一直以來都是投資報酬率表現最好的行銷工具,但在台灣大部份行銷人對這個工具無感。成立於 2015 年的飛信資訊已累積超過 8 年的大量發送電子郵件經驗,藉此經驗與技術打造一個符合發送規範的環境,並協助客戶建立起正確的發送策略,在取得新客成本高的情況下,用最正確的方式做好會員再行銷。現提供的服務產品包括:FLYDOVE 會員再行銷服務 - 大量行銷信件、簡訊發送,使用者行為追蹤與分析,自動化再行銷工具。SMARTDOVE 重要訊息串接服務 - 透過 API 串接穩定與準確的發送重要通知信與簡訊。
成立於 2014 年的癮科技,除了每天與網友分享 20 篇左右的國內外最新 3C 產品、APP 軟體消息外,也針對許多科技新知做深度分析並提供實測觀點,讓科技更貼近網友們的生活。目前已是台灣前三大科技新聞媒體網站,每月有 200 萬名不重複使用者瀏覽。因為對科技上癮,所以我們天天癮科技!
JetBrains delivers innovative solutions to help professional developers adopt advanced technologies and work faster, better, and more efficiently. By automating the tedious and repetitive development tasks, developers stay focused on code design and the big picture. PhpStorm is our PHP IDE, including professional support for Laravel framework.
Konfx is a state-of-the-art solution that perfectly combines industry leading event management tools and the ability for planners to easily create dedicated conference companion mobile apps for their business events which available on both iOS and Android platforms.
HackMD enables you to create realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. It could be used to organize your thoughts, discuss with your teammates, and preview the result in realtime. Not only can it power notes but slides, charts, and math expressions are also supported. Since launch, more than 520,000 notes have been taken in HackMD. We help people write their documents, memos, todo lists, write-ups, homework, tutorials, and even provide a platform for open discussion to happen. Join us now! You could write smarter! Come and love it <3
Laravel 道場
Laravel 道場是由得寬科技成立的教育訓練品牌,致於提供最好的 PHP/Laravel 教育訓練與顧問服務。從 2014 年開始,Laravel 道場已經跟 10 間以上的學校單位合辦課程及工作坊,並也服務 5 間公司團體做內部的教育訓練。今年,Laravel 道場也是 LaravelConf Taiwan 的執行單位,將盡全力為各位舉辦最優質的 Laravel 開發者大會。
得寬科技成立於 2010 年,主要承接網路應用程式開發專案。堅持以小而美、小而精的團隊規模,提供高效率、高品質的服務。自 2013 起導入框架成功後,目前得寬科技 100% 使用 Laravel 執行專案,並成為 JetBrains 在台灣首間教育訓練夥伴。